Campus Activities Board (CAB)
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-led organization that creates, organizes, and implements a wide variety of social and educational events and activities for the student body across campus. As an Event Director of the Campus Activities Board, you’ll have the opportunity to expand your professional skills through event planning and building learning outcomes for fellow students. But more so, you will help create a sense of belonging here at WT, as well as finding your own. The 4 committees of CAB are:
1. Large Events
2. Leadership and Learning Opportunities
3. Marketing
4. Collaboration and International Students
After selecting your preferred committee, you will serve hands on with the planning and execution of the events and activities, such as Mudfest, Trunk or Treat, and more!
To join, contact Office of Student Engagement and Leadership at or Sabrina Pugh | 806-651-5320 |
Emerging Student Leaders Academy
ESLA is for all students desiring to develop their leadership skills. Students will embark upon a leadership journey that will not only help guide their personal life, but their academic, and professional life too! This series encourages the development of ideas and beliefs on leadership around the world.
ESLA meets once a week in the Fall Semester for a 10-week program. Students must attend 6 out of the 10 meetings to receive SLR credit.
Contact Student Leadership Consultant Katelyn Lechwar for more information. klechwar@wtamu
Leaders Beyond Limitations
LBL is a series designed to bring in the leaders who have gone before you. For 6 weeks, a speaker is brought in to teach on differing topics of leadership. These speakers range from well-loved professors on campus to the University President! This is a great opportunity to learn from their leadership models.
LBL meets once a week in the Spring Semester. Students must attend 4 out of the 6 meetings to receive SLR credit.
Contact Student Leadership Consultant Katelyn Lechwar for more information. klechwar@wtamu
Interfraternity Council
The Interfraternity Council promotes brotherhood among the various chapters at WT; provides an avenue for communication and problem solving; serves as a resource for all men’s social fraternities; and promotes Greek life in the campus and community.
IFC executive officer positions are President, Vice President, Chief Justice, Secretary, Treasure and Recruitment Chair. Each chapter is entitled to at least one executive officer. As an IFC executive officer, you will begin your service in the Spring semester and serve a one-year term. You must be nominated and voted on by a majority vote.
To qualify:
- Must be of active status within a fraternity
- Must be currently registered and maintain at least 12 semester hours (do not have to be a full-time student)
- Must have earned at least 30 semester hours at WT by the end of semester seeking office
- Must have a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA and not been on scholastic probation for the most recently completed term prior to semester of election
- Not be or have been on disciplinary probation
- Own fraternity not on any suspension from the University or IFC
Those seeking office of the President must have held a prior office on the IFC or within their chapter. All qualifications will be verified by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership.
The purpose of Panhellenic is to develop an individual’s potential through leadership opportunities and serve as the governing board of NPC chapters on campus. Panhellenic consists of four executive officers, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and each position has their own responsibilities.
Each chapter nominates one active member. This member will be interviewed by officers they will be replacing. Executive officers begin their service in the Spring semester and serve a one-year term.
To qualify:
- Must be of active status and in good standing with a fraternity
- Must be currently registered and maintain at least 12 semester hours, unless last term prior to graduation
- Participated in formal recruitment as an active member in their chapter
- Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA before entering office and maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA during term
- Not be or have been on disciplinary probation
- Not in any other position and able to fulfill time requirement | @WTAMUPanhellenic | @WTPanhellenic | Celine Armjio | 806-651-2392 |
National Society of Leadership and Success
The National Society of Leadership and Success is an international leadership training and honors society.
At West Texas A&M University, NSLS is made up of students striving to rise up as leaders. As a member of NSLS, you’ll receive many benefits including high-quality leadership training, networking opportunities, scholarships, job database and more.
Membership to this program is subject to GPA requirements.
After your first semester at WT you will receive an invitation to join NSLS if you meet the requirements, including a 3.0 GPA. Once you fill out your online application and pay the one-time registration fee, you are considered a pre-inducted member of the society. Upon induction, you will be granted approval for this program in BuffLink. | Chance Haugen | 806 -651-2050 |
Student Government
Student Government Association is one of the most active student organizations on campus. By evaluating issues that affect the student body, SGA works closely with faculty and staff to ensure an academically challenging University while providing many opportunities for fun.
There are three branches of Student Government: executive, legislative and judicial. Each branch represents the student body in a different way, while providing checks and balances on the other branches.
As a member of SGA, you have the opportunity to better yourself professionally, while improving campus life. SGA meets on Mondays at 4:30. If you are interested in joining SGA, visit the advisor in JBK 104A or the SGA Executive Team in JBK 104. Freshman elections are at the beginning of the Fall semester and returning senator elections take place in the Spring. Students are able to fill open vacancies throughout the year. | @WTAMUsga | Filiberto Avila | 806-651-2050 |
Transfer Ambassadors
The Transfer Ambassador program provides support and resources for other transfer students at WTAMU; establishes Ambassadors as campus leaders; and is an integral component of the Transfer Services team.
As a transfer ambassador, you’ll personally welcome newly admitted transfer students to the University. You’ll answer questions; remind them of important information and events; share ways to get involved; and help them navigate their first semester to ensure a smooth transition to WT.
You’ll also help with Transfer Student Orientation, Transfer Welcome events and community college visits. You will often be the voice of transfer students on our campus through meetings with staff, administration and student groups.
To join the Transfer Ambassadors and Services team, you’ll need to be familiar with the transfer student process and experience at WT. A minimum 2.0 GPA; good academic and disciplinary standing; and the ability to attend all events is also required. The application, interview and selection process occurs mid-March of the Spring semester. | @WTtransfer | @WT_transfer | Ashley Callaham | 806-651-5300 |