The West Texas A&M University Educational Leadership Program prepares confident, skilled, and reflective leaders of education to pursue excellence and make powerful and lasting impacts in their communities. This program's degree and certification options include the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree, Texas principal certification, and Texas superintendent certification.
The Educational Leadership program’s largest enrollment consists of aspiring campus leaders requiring the principal certificate as a necessary credential for the leadership position sought. The program offers two options for candidates to obtain the Texas principal certificate.
If you are interested in seeking a Master of Education (M. Ed.), West Texas A&M is here to help you achieve your goals.
- Dr. Ray Barbosa Jr., Program Director
Required Course Work (30 Credit Hours)
Graduate Core in Education (6 Credit Hours)
Required Educational Leadership Courses (24 Credit Hours)
Field experiences, clinical teaching, practicums, and internships required for Texas certification must be completed in a school accredited by the Texas Education Agency and approved by WTAMU. A non-certification option is available for candidates whose residency is outside the state of Texas.