A Business Degree With a Custom Fit
The General Business major is perfect for students who prefer to be a generalist instead of a specialist. Because this major is grounded in all of the basic disciplines, it provides a solid foundation from which to craft a personalized major.
Think of it as a buffet of tasty entrees, because once you complete the same business core required of all majors, along with satisfying international and ethics requirements, you get to choose nine different upper-level business courses of your liking.
The result is the most popular undergraduate major in the College, and each one is unique. Do you desire a deep dive into marketing and economics, yet need an extra serving of accounting to satisfy your cravings? It’s up to you, regardless of which direction you want to go. There is much to be said for being a generalist in a sea of specialists who have focused on doing only one thing. You’ve got flexibility.
Most importantly, our customizable General Business major allows you to earn an accredited degree that meets your needs and aspirations. Maybe you are already employed, and know the skills desired by your company. Perhaps you know where you will work, like in a family business, and know its needs.
Either way, this major is about you. Just take your pick.
Available 100% Online
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (2024-2025 Academic Catalog)
- BUSI 3319 - International Business, MGT 4335 - International Management, or MKT 4340 - International Marketing
- MGT 4311 - Business Ethics and Society or FIN 4311 - Corporate Governance and Ethics
- 21 Hours of Business Electives from ACCT, BUSI, CIDM, ECON, FIN, MGT, and MKT
For more details about courses required for this degree see the Advising Services Degree Checklist Page and select the catalog year that you are following for your degree plan.
Available 100% Online
- BUSI 3312
- BUSI Elective
- BUSI Elective
- BUSI Advanced Elective
- BUSI Advanced Elective
- BUSI Advanced Elective
The US healthcare industry is valued at more than $8 trillion, and is growing rapidly. With an aging domestic population, there will be demand for highly trained professionals who know not only the fundamentals of business, but also the highly specialized areas of finance, law, management, finance, and informations as they pertain to healthcare. Our courses in these niche areas prepare students for a career in a field that will be in high demand for years to come.
For more details about courses required for this degree see the Advising Services Degree Checklist Page and select the catalog year that you are following for your degree plan.
In the last few decades, global markets have taken front and center stage. What happens in Dallas affects Dakar; what goes on in Houston is felt in Helsinki. We do not live nor do business in a vacuum, and self-sufficiency is not a viable option for any nation. This specialization allows students to customize their international proficiencies by hand-picking from among global courses in marketing, management, economics, law, finance, and cross-cultures. Along the way you’ll be ready to enter the complex field of international trade and manufacturing.
For more details about courses required for this degree see the Advising Services Degree Checklist Page and select the catalog year that you are following for your degree plan.
The beauty of the General Business degree is that it offers students not only academic flexibility, but also career flexibility. Rather than being a specialist, you will be a generalist, moderately versed in a variety of subjects within business, and to your own liking. The doors are thus wide open for careers in marketing, management, finance, or any of the other functions found in the College of Business. And if you decide to pursue further education, you will already be well grounded in all of the fundamentals, allowing you to dive in quickly and reach for even higher targets.
For more information about General Business Careers and Salaries, visit http://wtamu.myplan.com.

Find Your Community
If you’re looking to combine professional with social activities, we have more than a dozen faculty-led student groups in the College of Business. Find your people and meet up for fun as well as the chance to network among yourselves and with guest speakers.
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Go Amazing Places
We live in a globally connected world, and that truth becomes crystal clear when you participate in one of our faculty-led Study Abroad programs. Step outside your comfort zone, and learn how other cultures live and do business.
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Get to Work
There’s no better way to pad your resumé than to show practical work experience. Each semester, companies come to us looking for qualified students looking to set themselves apart from the pack. Work. Learn. Get paid. It doesn’t get much better.
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