July 11, 2024

We're running out of photo ops, so we're going to try to catch up. First period classes this morning.

Maroon band brass and percussion sectional.

Dr. Krause and the concert band oboes.

High school concert band brass and percussion sectional.

Mr. Whitaker.

Syphonic band percussion with Mr. Seale.

Dr. Takacs with the symphonic band trumpets.

Random campers out of focus.

Dr. Bell with the concert band bassoons.

Mrs. Casso and the white band horns.

Exorcism of a oboe player. A-sharp = B flat.

Dr. Bell and the junior high school honor band oboes.

Mrs. Rhynes and the junior high school honor clarinets.

Mr. Yett's junior high school honor band saxophones.

Tubas and euphoniums with Mr. Lancaster.

The concert band saxophones with Dr. Barger.

Mr. Doege and the junior high school symphonic bassoons.

Mrs. Mitchell works with the junior high school concert band in the ballroom of the activities center.

...while Mrs. Henson directs the junior high school varsity band in the mirror room.

Mrs. Rasband has the philharmonic orchestra double basses.

...while Mrs. Bartley directs the violins and violas of the philharmonic orchestra in the Buffalo Room.

The patio area outside the Buffalo Room.

Dr. Goza rehearses violins of the symphonic orchestra.

Junior high school concert band percussion in Shirley Hall Lobby.

I think this is junior high school symphonic band flutes with Ms. Frazier.

...and if A is true, then B is the junior high school honor band flutes with Mrs. Seale.

Look. It's the Centennial Hall dorm supervisors. And what's even more remarkable, they're still smiling on the fifth day of camp. And even more surprising, their eyes are wide open!

A campaign poster, an example of the influence of national politics at the local level.

Mr. Burns and the junior high school concert band trumpets in Jarrett Lobby.

Mr. English and the junior high school concert band tubas and euphoniums in Jarrett Unit E.

In Jarrett Unit are the junior high school concert band horns with Mr. Bennington.

The white band percussion in Guenther Lobby.

Heading back from Guenther travelling west on the south side of the Fine Arts Complex.

A tree shadow.

Dr. Mandfredi waiting for a bus...., looking for a handout...., wanting to be photographed. Mission accomplished. The correct answer was "C."

We made it to second period!!!. Mrs. Lough has the junior high school clarinets.

Mr. Storey waves goodbye. But I just got here. His honor band clarinets join in, so I guess that's it for me!!

The honor band brass and percussion sectional in the Branding Iron Theatre.

The concert band tubas and euphoniums.

The maroon bass clarinets.

Three photos are enough, so let's move on.

Mrs. DuBois with her beloved honor band bass clarinets.

Junior honor band trombones with Mr. Prieto.

Concert band trombones with Dr. Shanks.

What? More trombones! This might be the last of the 76. Pictured here are the junior high school varsity band with Mr. Zorn.

Off to concert band horns and Dr. Manfredi.

An Outdoor Overture (Copland) under the Linden Tree (Ron Goodwin) in the dark (TV series, 2019-2022).

With Ms. Schury.

Concert band woodwind sectional with Mr. Whitaker.

Maroon brass and percussion sectional directed by Mr. Worosello.

The symphonic band with Mrs. Denney.

Concert bamd percussion with Mr. Seale.

Some more 1:45 pm required classes. First is the high school clarinet ensemble conducted by Mrs. DuBois.

High school rhythmic reading with Mrs. Mitchell.

Braden photo bombing.

Junior hgh school rhythmic reading with Mrs. O'Bryant.

High school trombone ensemble 2 with Mr. Prieto.

Orchestral literature with Mrs. Lopez.

Junior high school horn ensemble with Mr. Bennington.

Junior high school clarinet ensemble 1 with Mr. Swails.

Drum major class.

Junior high school percussion fundamentals with Mr. Kendrick.

Prior to the 3 pm high school assembly, the horn ensemble serenaded the students.

Several of the ensembles performed for the 3 pm assembly today. First was the high school percussion ensemble 1 conducted by Mr. Seale.

Dr. Manfredi conducts the brass choir. These are the top high school players at our camp.

The woodwind ensemble is directed by Mr. Worosello. Again, these are the top high school players at camp. They prepared their programs on four rehearsals.

At 7 pm, the assembly featured jazz band 1 at the the high school meeting. The junior high assembly in Legacy hall had jazz band 2 and jazz band 3. Here is jazz band 1.

Mr. Storey led the group.

The the faculty jazz band took the stage led by Dr. Teweleit.

Mr. Tegmeyer performed with the group.

And the campers finished out the evening with karaoke and dancing, but I'll leave to your imagination.