July 13, 2024

Today the bands give their concerts. Here are pictures from the Branding Iron Theatre in the Fine Arts Complex.

The first band to perform was the junior high school varsity band.

The junior high school concert band.

Junior high school symphonic band.

High school white band.

The philharmonic orchestra.

The high school maroon band. (WT's colors are maroon and white.)

Meanwhilte in Mary Moody Northen....warm-up for the junior high school honor band in the ensemble room.

The symphony orchestra performs in Northen Recital Hall.

High school concert band.

High school symphonic band.

Mr. Lefevre, camp director.

Back to symphonic band.

If these pictures are in chronological order, then this might be the high school honor band warm-up.

Honor band performance.

End of camp.

Fine...until July 6-12, 2025.