Teaching Resources - A List

Compiled by Dr. Dave Rausch, tMentor

"Faculty Development" - a long list of links to teaching and learning websites

"Teaching Online - A Time Comparison" - Paper appearing in Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration

"Engaging Students in Problem Solving Using a WebQuest" - from Canada; for K-12 students, could be adapted to college-level

Teaching Large Classes - a project in Australia

Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning - Harvard University

Large Classes: A Teaching Guide - from the University of Maryland

Teaching Large Classes - from the University of Western Ontario

Teaching Large Enrolment Courses - from York University in Canada

Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology - University of Maryland University College - Verizon

How to Evaluate Web Resources - Dr. Hal Nees, Metropolitan State College of Denver

Hot Potatoes Webpage - six applications that create interactive exercises for feedback

"Involve students in research" - making it "real" through research
Using Webcasts for Constructivist Learning - info on WebQuests

"Teachers Using Technology: Practical Ideas from the Classroom - suggestions for using technology (PDF)

The Power of Linking - some of my thoughts about linking for instruction

Additions?  Suggestions are welcome.  Please email me at jrausch@mail.wtamu.edu.