Welcome and announcements
Take some time and introduce anyone that is new. This is also a time to share any general announcements anyone has about any happenings in your own world or something that you recently became aware of related to WWG. (estimated duration 15 min)
Mission and statement and mission area discussion
We have three big things that we started to get into last meeting which seemed very important to everyone. I think that they all centered around the questions of what this group’s vision should be and how we go about deciding therefore what we should focus on in terms of both substance and a schedule to achieve goals. So we will talk on mission statement, mission areas, and short/medium/long term goal ideas. (estimated duration 30 min)
Website planning
Over the past two meetings (April and May), we have had a lot of interest in a website, something that serves us as a group, helps us to invite in new members, and serves as a means to reach out the wider Panhandle community. Colton will lead us through some planning ideas on this and solicit help for upcoming tasks to make the WWG site a reality. (estimated duration 45 minutes)
Writing and funding opportunities
Nathan will share a few thoughts on things he has seen related to funding, writing, speaking type opportunities that our group could consider. This is a time, however, for ANYONE to do either or both of the following—
- Share some details on some opportunity you have seen or are interested in OR
- Share an idea that you have which you want to find an opportunity to pursue through publication, proposal, contract, or event
Meeting materials: link